الاثنين، 20 يناير 2014

قصات شعر 2014

قصات الشعر القصير لعام 2014  وهى  من اروع القات التى  تد لها  جمال   خارق  وجاب للغايه  عند الرجال ويفضلن النساء الذين يمتلكون  عر  قصير  هذه القصه الجميله   جدا

وحش يظهر فى الهند

هذا اللا انسان  مولود فى  دله الهند   جنوب اسيا  وهو ينفرد  دون غر  بجمجمه غريبه  جدا   لها  قرون  دخليه  ولا  يستطيع الاطباء  معرفه  السر وراء  هذا التطور الجيي الغريب  فيما رجح البعض  من علماء الجينات انه تيجه  معاشره  بين سيده  وبيني  حيوان  من نوع غريب  نتج عنها هذا امولود الغريب انه  ظل على قسد الحياه لمده اول من 35 عاما  وهو ليس متزج  وكل الناس  ينفرون منه  ومن  قباحه منظره 

يحمل قلبه فى يده ومازال على قيد الحياه

استاع  هذا الشاب  ان يحمل  قلبه  فى يده وهو لا يزال على قيد لحياه  وهذا  بعد اجراء عمليه له استئضال  واستبدال  قلبه بقلب اخر   

وبعد  نجاح العمليه  قا الشاب  بطلب غريب  وهو ان يتصور  مع قلبه لقدم  وهكذا  خرجت لنا هذه الصوره الفريده  من  نوعها  

يذكر  ان عمليه استبدال القلب ى عمليه  باهظه التكاليف  ولا  يدر عليها  الا  الاغنياء  فقط  

عماره تتهاوى فوق العمال

هذه  االعماره  مبنيه فى  مدينه  اسيوط المصريه الوافعه فى  جنوب مصر  وهى  مبنيه على اسس   هنسيه  خاطئه مما  ادى  الى  ميلات فى العماله  وهى تهدد  10 عمائر   مجاوره بل  منطقه  سكيه  كبيره لانها  عندما تقع  سوف تقع على العماره المجاوره لها   وبدورها هى الاخرى  تقع على العماره المجاوره له  وتون هنا الكاثه لسقوط  اكثر  من  10 عمائر اهله  بالسكان  دون اى تحرك ن المسؤلون الكوميين او  عقاب لمن  اهمل  فى بناء هذه العماره 

نصائح تحشسين لشعر

ننشر اليك سيدتى نصائح  ببحفلظ  عبى الشعر  وتحسينه 

ومن اهم العوامل  التى تحافظ على الشعر   ه الاهتمام به  وبجماله  وغسله  مره يوميا  على الاقل  والاهتمام  باستخدام الزي الاصليه  التى  تفد لشعر  والابتعاد  كل  البعد  عن الشامبوهات والمستحضرا غير ر معلومه الهويه  والاتام  عرفه مصادر  المستلمات التميليه التىت تضيف اليكي  جمال  براق   

ومن العروف  ان العر  هو تاج المراء  الذى يجعل  لها جمال  من نوع  مختلف 

الأحد، 12 يناير 2014

give the hair is dry and light volume

Do you suffer from the problem , dear thinning hair .. Is Jrepetta ways and treatments did not work ?
Here's the tips and recipes to get rid of this problem forever ..
First: Qusay are varying gradations of your hair where the hair between the short and medium length .
Second, to increase his volume of poetry and density Choose the right shampoo that helps hair density .
Third : When drying your hair prefers the heart of the hair forward and pass it with dried fingers Palmajafv for a short period , after washing the hair directly , you can use foam and leave to dry naturally .
Fourth, to give the hair is dry and light volume is full Belli tuft of hair PalmOS then directly in the laps of the large size and leave to dry completely .
Fifth: Mix 3 tablespoons of corn oil and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and 3 tablespoons of balsamic available at home or cream bath oil with the juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon yogurt and a tablespoon vinegar , then put the mixture on the hair and massage the scalp , which helps to rapid growth and health and activates blood circulation and facilitates the access of oxygen to the hair, then covered with plastic hair bag for four hours or more and then rinse with warm water followed by cold water to maintain humidity

How to apply the mask 24K gold

They say that a diamond 's best friend for women. In this case, the mask ' Collagen Gold ' is definitely the best friend to your skin, which can serve as the best example of the beauty of Cleopatra , who was known for her love for gold mask .
There is no doubt that gold is expensive and far-fetched to many , but there is now an affordable way for you to take advantage of Madam the precious metal with the advent of Collagen Mask - Gold 24K.
Gold masks many benefits , it helps to delay the weakness of collagen as well as the collapse of the material elastin , while working to stimulate cell regeneration and thus the production of healthy cells .
The gold mask contains pure gold metal and vegetable mixture with collagen and antioxidants such as vitamin E. Thus it provides essential nutrients to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles , spots , inflammation of the skin and sun damage . Moreover , this mask plays a key role in the elimination of skin bacteria that can cause acne.
It is recommended to use this mask once every six weeks , with regular use , to moisturize the skin and contribute to the glow of eternal youth .
How to apply the mask 24K gold
First, cleanse the skin properly .

Secondly, put the mask on your face with the process of massage in a circular motion . Once this was done , all that is required of you is to rest and relax , and let the mask to do its magic .
After 30 minutes , remove the mask and dress in a wonderful start to enjoy the results .
This mask makes you feel more confident and happiness for your skin.
Gold not only puts you in the spotlight when wearing it , but also when you use it on your skin

where Blush shows a very strong face,

Make-up and a great way to bring out the most beautiful what you have and make Atalaltk distinctive and eye -catching , but some errors may not be to your advantage , and this Tkhosrk sparkle .
 Expert warns of cosmetic Samer Lavender 10 errors makeup may Tkhosrk lover

Here are ten mistakes Avoid falling in it !
1 . Makeup eighties : the famous eye and strong bold colors on the eyelids like blue and green that looks very strong .
2 . Eyelashes : Lash ( Spider ) exaggerated that appear abnormally and give the appearance of a strange shape of the eye .
3 . Cheeks corrugated : where Blush shows a very strong face, like a color incorrectly .
4 . Eyebrows harsh : the shape and color that gives a strong and harsh features of the face .
5 . Fee lips : above normal limits as shown in Figure inconsistent and exaggerated .
6 . Albroonzer use : to darken the face with the lumen shows a dark -skinned and cumbersome .
7 . Alkoncelr propagation : the circle of the eye may appear more wrinkled and looks region is supple.
8 . Foundation : inappropriate in terms of color and texture where the skin looks as if the abnormal facial convincing .

9 . Lip Gloss : It may be a strong and sometimes unpleasant especially strong colors such as red and orange .
10 . Use pencil eye : the right way and not exaggerated , especially under the eyes to avoid the harsh features .

Interested in the majority of women

Interested in the majority of women their hair dramatically because the hair is one of the most important elements of a woman's beauty is its glory and full throttle , and take their attention by a great deal of attention and doing what is most precious in exchange for beautiful hair and distinctive , but they may do some wrong actions sometimes , during her care with her hair without realizing how dangerous these behaviors.
Here are some actions Madam harmful your hair so avoided during your care by :
Ladies used many ways to dry hair Ktgvifa Palmajafv electric tools or Tmlessh hair relaxer and these tools generally cause significant damage to the hair , where they broke and lead to brittleness .
 The best way to dry hair after a shower with a towel wrapped it is the right way , and leaving it up to absorb the water from it, taking care not to rubbing a towel because it will inevitably lead to brittleness , where the hair is in its weakest when wet

Some women believe that the cut

The washing hair frequently leads to dryness , and the elimination of secretions that moisten the scalp hair so it is advisable not to wash it on a daily basis and preferably washed twice a week only .

 The use of chemical hair products demobilization Kdjil and Curly Hair Styling and can lead to bombard the hair and cause great damage to the hair follicles and also retard their growth.
 Repeat hairstyle ponytails permanently is harmful and lead to hair damaged and reverse , so it is best that the diversity of women in the layoffs and can adopt this hairstyle from time to time , but not permanently .
 Some women believe that the cut and shorten the hair permanently is the best solution to get healthy hair , but others prefer long hair and the solution is that the valuation cut limbs only regularly and periodically in order to receive hair gorgeous and healthy , hatching parties hair every 3 months makes you get rid of damaged hair Brittle and final.

 The mixing the dye in the house and put it on the hair without hiring may lead to damage to the hair and destroyed , so it is better to spend more money at the beauty salon to get a satisfactory result without damaging hair .
 Finally, make sure to comb your hair gently and correctly to the top of the Parties to gradually because it ensures that the blood supply to the roots and helps to remove the crust violently discharged will inevitably lead to brittleness and uncut .

Shoe commensurate with the wedding venue

 Comfortable shoes : Do not forget that weddings lasts all day. So make sure to choose a comfortable shoe gives you comfortable when you are dancing . In fact, the comfort is an essential factor when choosing a shoe , which is the most important of its shape , as it affects the facial expressions during the imaging session , especially if it was tight or uncomfortable heel ; then it will cause you pain.

 Shoe commensurate with the wedding venue : If you do you evaluate the wedding on a sandy beach or a stone in place , we recommend you do not wear high heels . Take into account the wedding venue , and do not hesitate to establish a ' rehearsal ' before the wedding , by wearing shoes in the house or in the concert venue .

 Shoe commensurate with your height : If you are taller than the groom or much shorter , then it is easy to determine whether you Stertdan high heels or not. In addition, the higher the heel can be a thing of the Slims feet . Thus, if you are ninety to reach certain views , Seek the help of a shoe that suits them

ou can choose silk or crepe or satin

If you think you Stdkhlin your wedding party to sit in Alkoshh and relax until the end of your wedding , you are wrong !
We offer you some advice , to Taatbaaha when buying shoes fit and comfortable and appropriate for your dress , with the advice you, initially , that the idea of ​​not Tstbaadi importance of the shape and color of the shoe , as it would appear from under the wedding dress. Therefore choose :

 Cloth distinctive : you can choose silk or crepe or satin cloth , because these fabrics are usually selected for the dresses . But the choice of cloth out of the ordinary gives you a touch of your own, if you're a bold bride .

 Shoe -colored dress: You can trend towards traditional choice , any choice of shoe color similar to the color of the dress ; means that you should get when shopping on a sample of the dress ; shoe or you can choose another color , such as gold or silver and decorated with pearls or beads or gems , to complete

pastel colors pink and beige Kalneod

The make-up during the work is subject to fixed laws can not be overcome , and because there are a lot of taboos that negatively affect your image as an employee in case I used, you have to pay attention to the most prominent cosmetic make-up that prevents you touch them through your situation and make-up , which sum up the most important of four !
Eye Shadow brilliant : everything falls under the list of illustrious forbidden to work, which is reserved for special occasions and night makeup , in particular , so you should focus on the shadows of dry pastel colors pink and beige Kalneod .
Red lipstick : Despite its beauty and its ability to enhance the attractiveness and femininity , but that has no place in your make-up while you are on the job , and the law also applies to the fuchsia and orange, the colors remain natural light is allowed only .
False eyelashes : that do not need them , Vlmakiaj eyes and eyelashes specifically, is sufficient for the light touch of brown or black mascara , and here also is supposed to stay away from the new and exotic fashions Kalmescara colored .

Albroonzer : do not disagree with you on the gravity it brings the cream to the skin of your face , but the temptation will not be your goal during the Occupation , and a bronze View will not be favored within the office 

teeth and this helps to get white teeth

Dr. Messina says that although the material alliums bad breath and teeth but they are useful for not contain onions on the colors and does not cause spots , as it is after taking him you need to clean your teeth and this helps to get white teeth .
- Apples
He says d / Sacil : ' Maybe bother you sound higher hear when you eat apples , but it is good for unity teeth , and Apple works to strengthen the gums , the amount of water component of which apples are working on the production of saliva and reduce the bacteria that cause bad breath and remove spots ' .
- Bicarbonate

Take the rest of toothpaste and try cleaning your teeth Ballbeckrbunat . Bicarbonate is basically in bleach . As the soda in them is a form of salt is capable of removing plaque and stains by rubbing .
- Celery and carrots
The proportion of high water component , including celery and carrots beneficial to health and help to whiten your teeth by enhancing the production of saliva , which helps to get rid of leftovers and strengthening the gums and this , according to said D / Sacil .
- Broccoli

want our teeth whiter than white

We all want our teeth whiter than white , but most of us do not know what foods help us to get those white teeth . So Here's 12 kind of food helps to whiten teeth .
 - Strawberries
Malic acid by removing the surface stained teeth. It tastes and looks great in power , juice , sweets , or taken as a pill , and this is what is recommended by Dr. Rowen Sacil head of the American Society of teeth beauty .

- Seeds and nuts
Says Dr. Matthew Messina , spokesman for the American Society of beauty teeth chewing seeds and nuts helps to remove stains from teeth , chewing a handful of almonds is full of protein and healthy fats in the afternoon before lunch helps you to get white teeth .
- Onions

pores of the skin and purification

Anaj all types of skin to peel to remove the layer of dead skin cells in the case of sensitive skin are needing attention and intensive care in addition to a special method for peeling the skin so as not to damage her Zbba Ka follows . Sensitive skin peeling steps :
First : You must choose a suitable cleaner for sensitive skin peeling and do not prefer to use creams or lotions acid peels because it increases the sensitivity of the skin.
Second : When you buy any preparation to be tested first on a small piece of skin Ttakda until it fits your skin so that it does not cause any damage.
Third: Belli cotton towel with warm water and then put them on your skin for 5 minutes to open the pores of the skin and purification .
Fourth: Put some of the cleanser on your skin completely and then used a wet towel to massage the cleanser on your skin gently in circular motions , starting from the nose and then the front and then the 

rest of the face.
Fifth, then wash your skin with lukewarm water and then my little moisturizing cream to soothe and nourish the skin .
VI : After peeling sensitive skin may get some redness so it's best to take steps to exfoliate your skin at night before going to sleep so give your skin a chance to calm down during sleep and get up nice clean skin soft and refreshed.

Two tablespoons honey

 Here Madam three recipes are easy to prepare from your kitchen components , will help in the treatment of hair problems Brittle :
Mix first :
Spoon yogurt
Two tablespoons olive oil
Motain plain cream , which do you use when showering
Two tablespoons honey
Small cup warm water
Method of preparation and use
Mix until ingredients hold together and then Apply the mixture on your hair and leave for two hours. If you are tired of your hair so much you can repeat this scientific twice a week .

Mix II:
4 spoons of castor oil
4 tablespoons oil Arugula
A spoonful of honey
Method of preparation and use
Mix the ingredients and put them on your hair for half an hour only half . With this mix you'll get instant results and you'll notice the difference.

Mix III:
One egg
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon
Method of preparation and use
Mix the ingredients well and mix on my hair and cover it for two hours and then wash your hair . You'll notice the difference and you get good results if you continue to re- mix itself .

comfortable and happy and radiant

 Change the color of hair : If you intend to change the color of your hair before your wedding , it must be evaluating this before about a week , at least from the wedding to have enough time to correct any error in color , it has to Aenaspk new color and so you will have ample opportunity to get satisfactory results .
Hairstyle convenient : To áĘßćäě comfortable and happy and radiant on your wedding day you choose the hairstyle comfortable and you can see that during the rehearsal hair If you feel upset or discomfort you can inform the hair stylist to change Mizaajk , it would make you tense and tired and all this will impact on your appearance .

Hair wash and clean : the best hair wash and clean it before the wedding day or the morning of your wedding hair stylist to be able to deal with your hair smooth and natural Luque Egged any difficulty in choosing the hairstyle appropriate to the nature of your hair.
Appropriate hairstyle : The hairstyle is right for you , which can reflect the true beauty and highlight your features nicely , and that will make you happy with yourself whenever you look in the mirror , even after several years . Is not important to be very fashionable hairstyle as much importance to be suitable for the shape of your face and your dress and your features , and convenient for you to Ttagay in your night Kalmlkh .

avoided in the week of your wedding ceremony

Plans every girl so much for her wedding night and think and make an effort great for getting those panoramic charming in this day humdinger of her life , but sometimes it may get something that was not in the account. Given that hairstyle bride is the crown of beauty in that night and will focus upon the eye directly , it has cause it sometimes disappointed because of wrong imaginable hairstyle , for example, that this will be an occasion her completely , but it does not look as envisaged in order to avoid this problem , the solution is very simple and you have to learn that dear little things in your appearance may make a big difference . Therefore, we will shed light on some of the mistakes that you avoided in the week of your wedding ceremony 

 Rehearsal hairstyle : Frequently Mataatkhaly Some brides to do Berufah hairstyle and make-up in order to save some money or because of lack of time and the accumulation of tasks , but we have dear bride to wear the dress rehearsal of your hair at the top of your priorities it is best that Atagamra in your appearance in this day , which will not be repeated . Therefore, national wear white clothes and take pictures of Ttakda that everything will be fine in the day expected .

dark brown and lustrous black shadows

 start now eye makeup through the use of shadows white or cream ( Sticky Shadows ) under the brow bone area of ​​less than half a cm and area of ​​the eye by double space or vice versa .
2 - Put ( Star Powder ) in gold over the white cream shadows .
3 - Keep shades of green color on the eyelid arc (the area between the last of the top eyelid and brow bone last from the bottom ) of any in the middle between the eyebrow and the upper eyelashes and extend the shadows of the outside ( you can see the other image color space ) .
4 - We come in shades of black and cream Nmayor on the eyelid and black will be here under the green shadows ( can be seen in the picture )
5 - We come in shades of dark brown and lustrous black shadows over Nmayor cream , and then combine the brown shadows with the shadows in the green arc eye (center only) .
6 - As the eye By specifically ' Eye Liner ' Black and Nmayor outside of the eye , and draw down the eye by specifically black from the middle of the eye to the outer corner , and then draw the eye Balaaleiner from abroad and Nmayor sketch with the inner corner of the eye and , finally grow fee Alaaleiner top with a brush private .
7 - Keep shades of green light under the eye in the inner corner and integrating with black Alaaleiner
And clean up the bottom of the eye Balbaudr .
8 - draw eyebrows pen and brown come Balrmosh synthetic Nthbtha on the eye above the upper lash line natural , and re- draw the eye up Balaaleiner illustrious line of synthetic eyelashes .
Phase III:

1 - By specifically come and draw red lips , and mobilize lips dark red or any other color you would like , provided that it is consistent with eye shadows .
2 - we put Albaodr again on the entire face .
3 - Keep blush red italics .
4 - Keep the lumen in green finally shadows over the green .

cream skin before anything

Make-up Excellence Kuwaiti Ballowanh bold and heavy , and tend to choose the bride Kuwaiti special makeup for her wedding night .. The black color is the basis for the make-up of Kuwait and then come strong colors to overlap around him such as color green is a fashionable and distinctive color chosen for the bride Kuwaiti beautiful views :
Phase I:
1 - use a moisturizing cream skin before anything
2 - put cream foundation and Nmayor finger or using a sponge and Onicom a circular motion on the facial skin and neck completely until Karim fully do not show differences in color between the skin and the Qur'an with careful use cream colors suitable for the skin of any that we should not use white light to dark skin dark for example .
3 - put Alkoncelr under the eye and Nmayor well and combine triangular sponge Alkoncelr cream .
4 - After Alkoncelr cream base and start making eye shadows white, Nmayor heavily from the corner of the eye to the middle and then put Albaodr on the entire face and neck
Phase II:a

choice women on her face

That masks fruit serves as a beauty elixir for the skin ; where the advantage of fruit as a mine of vitamins and active substances that have a great aesthetic effects , in addition to the enormous health benefits .
That women with oily skin suffer from clogged pores , can by her skin care mask consisting of apples and honey white . To prepare this mask is preached half apple fruit after peeling , then stirred with a spoon of honey white , then put the mask on the skin and left for a period of approximately 20 minutes . After rinse the mask , you will get women 's skin pure and clear .
Avocado mask serves as a lifeline for dry skin ; since it extends the skin and restores moisture to Ndautea and vitality . To prepare this mask , half of the fruit is mashed avocado , and put the mask on the skin for about 30 minutes , in order to be absorbed by the skin thoroughly, then rinse with water.
And mask option also has the same effect , noting that it is just enough to put a couple of episodes choice women on her face

Orange is ideal for the preparation of a natural lotion peeling , especially if mixed Balhovan . To prepare this preparation , is melt one tablespoon of oats a little warm water until it becomes a paste , then add a few drops of orange juice to it , then massage the skin is peeling a preparation cautiously and rinse with warm water 

Ostkhaddy anti-wrinkle cream

With the passage of time, some expressions like sadness or frown or raise eyebrows constantly may lead to the appearance of wrinkles faster than the front , so you imagine the best ways to get rid of them
1 - Use a cream base
Make sure to get the full cream Reducer basis for defects which contains mica particles , which are contrary to the light lines and face well , which reduces the appearance of imperfections and your face and wrinkles significantly
2 - Home treatment is fast and simple:
Daily after washing your face well- nationalist put a light layer of Vaseline Medical Center on the front area which is still wet and then a national Ptden very well even Etcherbh skin and do not go back feel texture Vaseline on your forehead and leave all night Valvazlen when Etcherbh skin populates the lines of light that cause wrinkles and restores its moisture , which makes them less visible and dealt with in the long term .
3 - Ostkhaddy anti-wrinkle cream :
Once the appearance of any wrinkles on the forehead of a national direct purchase of moisturizing cream and sang Balritnol collagen and specialist treatment of wrinkles and Oazby to use it to Taaljy Tqlly and the appearance of wrinkles that only assurance that the selection of the appropriate type for your skin and wrinkles appropriate to the situation of the Dyke .
4 - Medical intervention :

That was Tjaaidk phenomenon strongly and their introduction you may have to take into account the solution Medical and resorting to Botox is one of the best medical solutions available to get rid of wrinkles front and re- tighten the skin and it prevents the muscles of the front of the movement , thus easing the increase in the case of wrinkles worse and prefers to resort to types of Botox blended Balritnol ending problem wrinkles on the surface and depth , too.

Hair Loss Treatment with garlic

Steps .. Hair Loss Treatment with garlic
Although the scent is strong and undesirable but that its usefulness in the treatment of hair loss will make us turn a blind eye to the subject of the smell .. It garlic experts who contributed discovered how important it is to strengthen the hair bulb on and off and precipitation through the use of special blends are prepared in different ways perhaps the most important of the mixture of the following :

Mix garlic with natural oils
10 tbsp castor oil
2 tbsp Nigella sativa oil
10 cloves garlic, mashed well

Way :
Mix minced garlic cloves with Castor oil, cumin , and leave aside covered for two days and then put the mixture in a bottle .

How to use:

1 - put the amount of the mixture on the scalp , and massage the scalp with fingertips in circular motions until light feel the heat of the scalp under the fingers.
2 - Run the head with a towel exposed to hot steam only , without any to be wet , but the dew of steam and leave it for an hour , with the change whenever refrigerate .
3 - wash the hair with shampoo and warm water thoroughly to remove the smell of garlic , and the process is repeated once or twice every week 

beauty and smoothness

May lack moisture to your skin due to the cold winter , some areas Vtaatdharr Skin drought Kalmrfiqin more than others , and this problem was widespread among women , but it is an easy solution with the availability of natural materials that give your skin moisture and nutrition necessary to restore her beauty and smoothness .

Here , dear group easy and simple ways to get rid of dry elbows quickly and easily.

The peel helps to replace the dead cells of new cells , so the national selection of peeled naturally gentle , and should preferably be made ​​of the option gentle on the skin , and massage well until the elbows are removed dead skin cells and return your skin soft and moist.

make sure to eat vegetables

The water is also a great way to provide the necessary moisture for your skin so drink large quantities of water , and make sure to eat vegetables , water-rich lettuce and cucumbers.

Use Vaseline or olive oil , or almond oil Those materials that will give moisture and mitigation for your skin dry . When using any of these materials nationalist wrap attached with a piece of nylon for 5 minutes, then rinse and you'll notice that your skin has regained superlative smoothness .

You can use butter, put them on the elbows and then removed after 10 minutes to get the full skin soft and moist.

National rubbing elbows dry area with Lemon , who has a magical effect to remove the drought and re- moisture and softness to your skin superbly .

Skin care in winter

Cool breeze and winter clothing and boots are more what we like in the winter. But , unfortunately, associated with a dry, scaly skin tight and be very sensitive to environmental changes and weather conditions. Here's the golden tips to keep the freshness of your skin in winter.
Skin care in winter

- Avoid the use of peeling lotion that contains coarse granules . Valmakecrat may be too harsh on your sensitive skin during the winter .
- Moist skin twice daily . In case you are suffering from drought , Use a moisturizer based on the composition of petroleum jelly gel for strong moisturizing lasts long .
- Avoid the use of toner that contains alcohol is more than dry skin. Therefore, Astbdelh always Baltonr dampening and a humidifier for the skin.
- Usually, the make-up removers stainless water rich in oil , such as almond oil and sesame oil . So, in case you're not familiar with the use of any makeup water resistant , Use make-up remover , which is based in the composition of the oil to give your skin more moisturizing .
- To avoid getting Amishqqtin lips , crusty lips Put them down and a thick layer of moisturizer .

الخميس، 9 يناير 2014

when washing dishes or cleaning the house

We recommend wearing Jointy when washing dishes or cleaning the house or in any other household work . Avoid touching the nail with industrial detergents may cause separation and change their color
Use a fingertips instead of the nail industry are solid and may Idauki to be used as a tool to pick up objects , for example, or open the lid of the box has separated Fingernail Industrial and takes with him a layer of natural nail Vahdhiri
Ahdhiri of industrial Fingernail to engage with anything so as not to cause erosion also in natural nails
Called your nails breathe and do not leave your nails Industrial many days continuously without removal of ventilation and natural nail care of it
Tips for Beauty :
But do not go to beauty salons reputable and must be licensed

natural nails

natural nails
Called your nails breathe and do not leave your nails Industrial many days continuously without removal of ventilation and natural nail care of it
Tips for Beauty :
But do not go to beauty salons reputable and must be licensed
Make sure that the girl is doing your nails , which keeps its hands clean by washing well with the use of cleaner Sanitizer
Bring your gadgets with you and your Balmanikir especially cooler nails Vsallonat beauty often do not sanitize tools after each use properly , which may result in the transfer of infection
Abady industrial nail tools of the reach of children wherein toxic chemicals
Put your nails in a well-ventilated room
Avoid touching your skin chemicals

Ayaky that Tželj layer Alkyotichael Nbarda or top layer of your natural nails Vanity hurt your nails so dramatically
And general tips for those who suffer from brittle nails and weak reasons for this , such as avoiding exposure to many water and soap or detergent and other and recommend also using cosmetics Ecrinal, Foltene to strengthen weak nails and stimulate growth properly

Valuation does not definitively link

Z If you have any fingernails is installed or corrupted SURE TO repaired and installed well and because the chances of infection increases with the presence of the nail industry , but how to fix it? As for himself in the beauty salon or you can do it at home , but make sure the following:
Use a glue allotted only for industrial nails and not any gum
Valuation does not definitively link the broken nails

Almschorh nails that fasten or use any gum cause an increase in the chances of infection
And symptoms of infection appear in the form of redness and swelling and pus If you notice any of these symptoms should visit a doctor immediately Aliki
We recommend wearing Jointy when washing dishes or cleaning the house or in any other household work . Avoid touching the nail with industrial detergents may cause separation and change their color

after the use of nails Industrial

Although the industrial nails whether acrylic or gel form given great for nails , but it needs a set of precautions and care to keep nails healthy and intact.
First, by the use of nails Industrial
Do not put the nail industry , but the sound Valozafar industrial nails look fantastic to cover the nails fragile or suffering from psoriasis and therefore warn them of this act because the cover nails diseased nails industrial make it worse and may result in the loss of natural nails !
Make a test sensitivity of the skin first, and because the materials used in the work of the nail industry has Tzb in the occurrence of skin allergy which suffered some of the sense of Aklan and scratcher in the skin around the nails and others may suffer a sense of scratching when touching the nail industry with the skin in any place . And so if you're using nails Industrial Knin for the first time we recommend using Zafer only one period as an experiment in one finger .
Second, after the use of nails Industrial

Must follow the nail industrial and cleaned daily to protect against any infection may occur because of it , and we recommend that the following:
Wash with soap and water Adekke and Use a nail brush to clean up around the nails well
During the wash nails industrial assurance that they properly installed

clean paint brush after each use

Millions of women go to beauty centers, to get the latest Smat nail polish, but in such a way conveys many of the bacteria to the other lady.
Therefore, we will give you simple tips to avoid taking the risk of disease transmission through nails:
1 . When you go to the beauty center SURE to bring your own nail polish, and I am careful also to clean paint brush after each use.
2 . Drain the old layer of nail polish in the house, or paint remover Bring in the beauty center.
3 . Examine the beauty center, who are you going to him, even Vtakdy clean floors, tables and nail polish.

4 . If you do not bring with you paint your nails, make sure to sterilize instruments in front of you before you use them.
5 . Make sure that the cleaning staff of the center basin pedicures after each client.
6 . Make sure that the girl who is doing pedicures wash her hands after each client, and also make sure that every client wash her hands before work pedicures.
7 . Do not use a towel is not clean or has been used by a puppet you.
8 . Make sure that the tool manicure 'cooler' new, and has not been used before.
9 . Do not use scissors and Astbdlah any other tool to Taattjunby wounded skin.

Bloch slant to syphilis

If you brides Brunettes you must read out these tips on how to develop make-up for you Your beautiful bride .
Kohl 1 : You need to Alsbawat blondes and mascara . But you do not need it, without that means that you can dispense with mascara . Focus on kohl , because it draws attention to the eyebrows , which form the framework of the face. In addition, Kohl enhances the beauty of your eyes . Remember that your hair black snatched most of the time the lights of your eyes , thus Fastaana congregation to re- attention to them .
2 Eye Makeup : Choose eye makeup that highlights the beauty. We recommend using enamel shades , if you want to draw attention to your eyes . If you would like to draw attention to the lips , Fajtara cast is Shiny . Often befitting Balsmrawat colored shadows , such as violet and green. If you want to retain the simple choices , why not Tmzgen earthy colors syphilis ?
3 lipstick : highlights the beauty of brunettes when choosing a lipstick colored berries ; while syphilis is desirable option for Blondes , with remains of coral and brown Sbawat . Do not hesitate to put red on your lips , because it is the color of your very befitting .
Black kohl is not : we talked in the past about the importance of kohl , without talking about the color. Apply black eyeliner is not ! In fact, black eyeliner leaves a big impact .
4 eyebrows : Identify eyebrows by using Alhaalenz , what will make everyone look to them instead of looking at the defects , which may suffer them in the eyes , for example.
5 Albulash : It's hard to choose Brunettes Baloch . May befitting Baloch Balhqrawat syphilis , but it is not the same applies to brunettes . We recommend testing it before the wedding to make sure it fits your skin . If your skin is warm , choose a color Reef ; But if your skin is light , you should choose Bloch slant to syphilis .

6 eyebrow shape : it is often an eyebrow Alsamaraot wonderful , and it has to know how to use Sharhama . Thus , we recommend Bsmhma shaped brackets . But , if you are not confident your skills , Vatalba professional help , a few days before the wedding .

acids that nourish and stimulate hair growth.

Parties pounding Hair : Beware of pounding the parties that the parties to the hair where hair Almottagsfah hinder the process of lengthening hair because hair breaks cafeteria , it is recommended to cut the parties once every six weeks to ensure the healthy growth of hair healthy .
Eggs and nuts : the egg is rich in protein and biotin is very important to nourish the hair , and the cashews and almonds, walnuts and a great way to lengthen hair for these nuts contain zinc and omega- 3 acids that nourish and stimulate hair growth.

Whole grains : very necessary because it is rich in iron , zinc and vitamins and all that is needed for hair that national replacing white bread, whole grain bread , rice and pasta wheat full .
Legumes : very rich in protein so it is perfect for lengthening hair , Protein is essential for building and growth of hair, so note that women who followed a low -protein diet lost their hair clearly , but who followed a diet rich in protein improves hair growth they have.
Green vegetables : green leafy vegetables rich in vitamins A and C for the production of fats scalp naturally and that nourish hair , as it is rich in calcium and iron like spinach , broccoli and watercress .

a shorter time than you expect

Tired appearance of your hair short and would you like if it is growing rapidly , but what hand trick you waitin until time passes and is growing again , but it may take your hair Sabra much and time consuming until it becomes a full-length your dream , because hair grows at a rate of 1 cm per month on average. But what if we introduced you to a magical day ways that can help you get the long hair in a shorter time than you expect ?
Scalp massage : Have you heard this way before? Feeds the hair from the nutrients in the blood , therefore it is very important to stimulate the blood supply to the hair roots , and experts advise from Todd lengthening her hair massage the scalp regularly in one of the following methods: ÇĎÎáí fingers inside the hair and then Itzhbhe gently , the aim is to push but not to the degree of pain , massage scalp completely. Dip your fingers in one of these oils ( orange oil - grapefruit - lemon ) and multiply hair tipped fingers gently and quickly.

Parties pounding Hair : Beware of pounding the parties that the parties to the hair where hair Almottagsfah hinder the process of lengthening hair because hair breaks cafeteria , it is recommended to cut the parties once every six weeks to ensure the healthy growth of hair healthy .
Eggs and nuts : the egg is rich in protein and biotin is very important to nourish the hair , and the cashews and almonds, walnuts and a great way to lengthen hair for these nuts contain zinc and omega- 3 acids that nourish and stimulate hair growth.

By special brush lipstick to ensure

By special brush lipstick to ensure the stability of the color on your lips : national using a brush , especially red lips , it will make the color more stable than during the more penetration in the skin.
 Two layers of lipstick after evaluating put lipstick Use napkins Alloukih between their lips : Atabekayama and once without screwing on the bandanna , Ibaadi bandanna , and then develop a 

national another layer of lipstick, but on the condition that they not be very dark color .
How Thmin red lips of food? ! If you are invited to eat at what time you should avoid some of the steps that would remove the best red lips as if Omm lips on the cup of water or a drink, as well as a tablespoon , so try as much as possible that Attbaka lips on eating utensils and Use a fork instead of a spoon if possible, and absorbent instead of drinking directly from the cup.
 Lips without gloss : If you do not care sheen lipstick powder you can use the installation on your lips put a light layer of them on the lips and then annexation lips gently again with the use of tissue paper , and you can also re- evaluating put another layer of Ahmrishvahec .
 Note : There are some cosmetics that are specially made to be non- demise easily and you can use them with follow the previous steps also are whatever fixed should be abolished , especially if Mansehra long will you eat foods With these formulations of lipstick , especially preferably should use a single layer from Lip Gloss transparent because they are often very dry and completely devoid of luster.

the parties to be identified

Six compelled to do tattoo lips to ensure that the demise of lipstick wherever you are , there are simple steps you can take to avoid taking the stability of lipstick for the longest possible period of time :
 Make your lips smooth before any step of the make-up must Ttakda that your lips are not cracked , and it is free of dead skin prominent is Ashahuh shape of the lips , especially if Magmt put lipstick over it, and it's good here to be a used moisturisers earlier to avoid anything to access these the result , especially with the onset of winter , which exceed the state of cracking , and to remove the layer of dead skin in quick time you can after a shower with hot water directly to evaluating rubbing your lips with your finger to Tželj layer of dead , class is dead then be fragile and soft , and then use a light layer of cream lip balm before at least an hour of make-up .
Registry specifically after ensured the removal of the layer of dead : or part of it , used the Registry and the appropriate selection , which corresponds to the color of lipstick, Mrrah along the lips, not only on the parties to be identified.

By special brush lipstick to ensure the stability of the color on your lips : national using a brush , especially red lips , it will make the color more stable than during the more penetration in the 

getting rid of dandruff

Garlic Garlic contains a high content of allicin , a compound antifungal helps in getting rid of dandruff. It can be used either in the diet or put it directly on the scalp to treat dandruff. Only Chop raw garlic and put it on your scalp for a few minutes , or you can use garlic juice on your scalp . For those with sensitive skin , it is advisable to mitigate or garlic juice before putting it directly on your scalp .
4 - sunflower seeds , sunflower seeds is one of the best natural remedies for dandruff , through inclusion in your diet. These seeds are rich in many essential nutrients that help in getting rid of dandruff and maintain the health of the scalp where help control the production of oils from the scalp it is also a great source of vitamin B6 and zinc. Sunflower seeds can also improve digestion and stimulate metabolism, and thus control dandruff caused by indigestion .
5 - wheat germ another excellent food to address the problem of dandruff , you can add wheat germ in milkshakes , bread or to breakfast cereals . Wheat germ is rich in vitamin B group and zinc.
6 - eating apples or fresh apples and put in baked goods or even a hair rinse apple juice helps greatly in getting rid of dandruff.

7 - banana banana contains vitamins B6, A, C, E and minerals such as zinc , potassium and iron . This is in addition to amino acids and antioxidants, which are useful for the treatment of dandruff. Eat a banana or avocado blended with milk and apply it on your scalp for 20 minutes can save you from the crust. Avoid fried foods and fatty food and chocolates with eating foods or previous use by previous instructions to get rid of dandruff and enjoy a healthy scalp Ras 

Here are some foods that can help

Swank 's hair is beautiful and strong desire of every girl. However, the problem of dandruff may be a barrier for many , especially with the onset of winter . If you have tried to use many treatments such as shampoos, prescriptions and even drugs to treat the problem of dandruff, did you get any positive result , then maybe the time has come to stop dandruff naturally , with the help of some food and fruits.

Here are some foods that can help you get rid of dandruff :
1 - Sham Homs chickpeas helps fight dandruff because it contains vitamin B6 and zinc, are necessary to combat dandruff. All you have to do is make a paste of chickpea flour , curd , water and distributed to the scalp , leave for half an hour and then rinse afterwards.
2 - Ginger Some people may suffer from dandruff due to poor digestion . Ginger Spice of the oldest in the world used in the treatment of dandruff problem by improving the digestion process . Moreover , Ginger treats dandruff because of its anti -bacterial and anti -fungal 

put two layers of mascara only

Love every girl that shines Bermh dense and long , beautiful Valrmosh of the most important secrets of make-up and beauty , each girl has some errors when put mascara does not get the desired result .
Here are 5 mistakes to avoid when you make sure to put mascara :
Put several layers of mascara : Avoid 100 put a layer of mascara on the lashes seems rigid and lumpy , put two layers of mascara only!

Make-up expert Kate says to me: " When you put several layers of mascara eyelashes will look drier ."
Not to cover the roots : my mascara on the roots of the lashes to get longer eyelashes .
Entering the air in an explosive mascara : increase the chances dry mascara when entering the air to the packaging, and the most girls enter the air when you move the brush in the package repeatedly to get more liquid , but it accelerates the dehydration of mascara .
Keep an improvised old mascara : Discard old mascara refills that cause inflammation of the eye.
Violently put mascara : do not be violent when you put mascara on the lashes Vtaven eyelids 

use care products containing filter

Characterized by severe skin by thin lips ; therefore soon exposed to dryness and cracking , especially during the winter. To maintain the freshness of the lips and velvety texture experts recommend using a skin care pens containing vegetable oils , or vitamin panthenol , or " e " , or aloe vera .
Experts point out that these materials be thin protective layer on the skin lips , and then maintain the natural moisture inside. If women exist much outside the home , they should use care products containing filter UV .

Experts stress on a fault common method used by many women and licking the lips of the tongue in order to hydrate , pointing out that this method leads to the evaporation of moisture , and then increase the lips drier skin and cracking .
On the other hand , experts warn put lip care products such as lipstick directly ; where skin should be free of fat lips , lipstick to prove good and long lasting .
For more steadiness and better distribution , recommends the development of a layer of lotion ad hoc basis for the lips of a beige , with the use of colors of lipstick amortized and long-lasting . After that is used to give the lips polished look glistening threaded like cherry .

For the skin

Amolqtin eyes .
For the skin , advises German artist Michaela Aoanado cosmetic creams using day- containing hyaluronic acid or summaries of some special herbs ; , where it stimulates the flow of blood, which gives the skin look more vibrant .
Koncelr yellow
He also stressed that the Arnhem Alkoncelr is an effective weapon to hide skin imperfections , noting that for the eye area should generally use Koncelr open degree or two degrees from the rest of the make-up .

To hide dark circles , advises cosmetic artist Aoanado using Koncelr cream ; pointing out that the color yellow is the color of the anti- violet color , which stands out by small blood vessels leather bottom eyes.
To avoid injury Baahob and dark circles of the foundation , stressed the importance of beauty experts that women take enough sleep , at least eight hours a day. It should also prevail bedroom quiet atmosphere devoid of stimuli , in order to enjoy a deep sleep and Carefree allows for the skin regeneration activity and restores vitality and freshness after a hard day's work .

tricks . Spoon Frozen

The pale face and dark circles around the eyes of the most aesthetic problems faced by the modern woman , because of the frenetic rhythm of life and the large workloads , precludes taking enough rest and enjoy a good night's sleep . But women can fight and pale circles through the use of weapons following three : Make proper care and household recipes and make-up tricks .
Spoon Frozen

It is not available to have these lotions, Hlosberger German doctor advising them to resort to some simple home recipes , such as the development of tablespoons in the freezer for five minutes , then the pressure on my back Almlaktin Amolqtin eyes .

skin freshness and beautiful.

Khchi of stress - Avoid that you've had a lot of tasks at one times during the preparations for the wedding night is not even my exposure yourself to stress and anxiety , but the national order of priorities and ask your friends to help you do the tasks .
- Nationalist to take some exercise , which can be simple and should be doing at home , and known as the Swedish and exercises that will help you get rid of the stress and tension that you just get in preparation for the wedding .
- Make sure to follow a balanced diet by eating healthy foods and fresh fruits and vegetables will help to reduce tension and increase blood flow to the body , which works to get you more skin freshness and beautiful.

Mask to clean skin when you mix hanging large yogurt with significant outstanding of honey bees and hanging large starch in addition to a quarter cup of lemon juice with significant outstanding rose water , you'll get a mask helps skin care and cleaning , and national distribution of the mixture on your skin and leave for half an hour and then wash and national Jahm with warm water and then with cold water, taking care not to sun exposure after the operation to contain the mask on a lemon , which reacts with sunlight and might cause harm to the skin.
Mask for the final disposal of acne Mix a little of the starch with a little rose water and put it on your skin after a half-hour national washing the skin , and by repeating this mask twice a day , you will notice the difference.

interested in this night that the show

Dream of every girl the night of her wedding and is interested in this night that the show Bahrach attractive , but with the proximity of the wedding night and the increased stress on the bride to show some signs of acne causing the existence of a state of distress and fear of appearing this cereal in front of the guests and groom . Because this problem is hugely important for the girl to marry the next review journal of your life in this article are some ways you can get rid of acne inconvenience resulting from stress and fatigue , and review ways to control stress and insomnia before the wedding .
Acne as a result of the secretion of the skin of some oils and integration with bacteria closes the pores of the skin and show signs of acne, in order to rid yourself of these oils and bacteria you using the lotion is good for help in removing acne by opening the pores are closed , or exposing your skin to the 

sun in times of early morning or sunset until your skin is not exposed to harmful UV rays 

Lemon fruit and the amount of starch

Ingredients: Lemon fruit and the amount of starch .
METHODS: national rubbing a piece of lemon under your arms , then my starch on the entire region , and then leave it to dry , then rinse .
Try here blends the magic of household bleach body
Mix III:

Ingredients: a tablespoon of Algelesaran , half a cup of lemon juice and one tablespoon rose water .
Method : Mix the ingredients well until you have a homogeneous mixture , and put it on the black area with rubbing circular motions for 5 minutes and leave underarm along the night and in the early morning, rinse well with lukewarm water .
Fourth mixture :
Ingredients: Two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda and a quarter cup of water .
Method : Mix these ingredients until you have a homogeneous paste and put it on Abtk to become dry and then rinse with lukewarm water

tablespoons sugar and half a cup

As a result of several factors , causes and reasons , some women suffer from darkening the armpit , one of the problems haunting for women , it may be because some fungal infections or sweating or obese or rubbing the body and skin , or even because of some kind of tight clothes ..
Therefore , we offer you Madam 4 blends natural to get rid of this problem:
Mix first :

Ingredients: 3 tablespoons sugar and half a cup of lemon juice .
Method : Mix the sugar and juice Allmon well and then put it on your armpits for a period ranging from 10 to 15 minutes and then Ashvtih well with warm water and repeat this process daily for two weeks.
Mix II:
Ingredients: Lemon fruit and the amount of starch .
METHODS: national rubbing a piece of lemon under your arms , then my starch on the entire region , and then leave it to dry , then rinse .
Try here blends the magic of household bleach body