الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

your hair dry naturally

- Among the most important tips for hair care in the fall that does not require complex Tkhtari hairstyles hair pulling too much or use stabilizers to keep the shape , as it is difficult to maintain in the cases of the volatility of the atmosphere.

- Do not Tfrcka hair vigorously with a towel to dry , cotton towel Use only one hundred percent , and Adgtiha on the hair gently until complete drying.

- Do not use the electric dryer on a daily basis , in order to eliminate the roots of the hair , and leave your hair dry naturally .

- Try not to be subjected to the tension as much as possible , mental health is reflected on the body and hair clearly.

The Hair Care in the fall is essential and very important , tips and Follow the instructions above to get the hair strong even in the season of hair loss .

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